For my final blog post I’d like to highlight my pal I brought to the gym with me last week. My 7 month old puppy Oakley! It was her first time at the gym and she did so well, no barking or whining. She just wanted the maximum amount of attention possible. I love how the gym is so dog friendly, with areas to clip your dog in at different spots around the gym.

Another highlight of this gym session was that I got my first pull up without support!! It was super rewarding and something that I have been working at all semester. I didn’t think I would get one without the band yet but it happened! I was upstairs after my climbing session with my brother in the weightlifting area, and I tried a pull up first without a band like I usually do. Except this time was different, since I was able to pull my head all the way above the bar! I was so excited, and then finished my reps with the help of a light and then medium band. It showed that all my work throughout this inquiry paid off.

Another exciting thing happened last week, and that was the first outdoor climb of the season! Last weekend we went to Mt Macdonald. The rocks were still a bit wet, but we were able to climb. I was super excited since I hadn’t outdoor climbed since last Summer. When we do outdoor it is different than bouldering and we use a rope, with someone belaying from the bottom. I was able to do a climb I would have never been able to do last year. It was exciting to see how much I have improved over the winter with my frequent climbing.

Overall, my Inquiry process was extremely successful. I was happy to have specific techniques to work on each week, and to be more driven to improve my pull ups. Thank you for the awesome semester! I had so much fun documenting my inquiry process.