Hello gang!!

Climbing a blue graded climb at BoulderHouse, via my personal photos.

I have decided to do my free inquiry assignment on bouldering! I recently started bouldering at the beginning of last year and I have been loving it. I love staying active and climbing gives me another outlet to do just that. I have some personal goals for bouldering over the next few months. One of them is to move up to the next level of climbs, currently I am doing greens and blues, but I want to work towards accomplishing a purple. This website I will link describes what bouldering is, as well as showing the grading system: https://www.upthebloc.com/whats-bouldering. Another goal I have over the next few months is to increase the number of pull-ups I can accomplish. I have noticed when I am climbing out of the ā€œcaveā€, which is an area of the climbing wall, I need more arm strength to be able to pull myself to the next hold. Currently I can do five pull-ups in a row with the help of one medium strength band. I also would like to work on my finger strength and climbing techniques. I plan to do more climbs with crimpy holds to build up finger strength, and to use more leg techniques when Iā€™m on the wall. Such as the toe/heel hook, and knee bar. I am excited to see how my climbing progresses with explicit goals to work towards. I am also excited to learn about new multimedia strategies I can use to document my progress.