
This week I will be posting a video of where I am at climbing now, so there is something to compare it to by the end of this semester. In the video I am climbing a green graded climb. As you can see from the start hold, that while doing this green I can only use the yellow holds. When watching this video there are some techniques that I hope to work on in the coming weeks. Since this climb is on a slight incline, I need to be moving my hips closer to the wall. When my hips are farther away from the wall, it puts more pressure on my fingers and forearms instead of my legs. The holds that are used in this climb are called jugs, they are a big positive hold. These types of holds are easier than some since they are large and use your whole hand rather than just your fingertips. Since this climb is an easier climb, no toe/heel hooks were necessary. Next week, I will post some footage of a blue graded climb in the cave that I am working on where a toe hook is needed.

For this next week, I plan to go to the climbing gym at least twice. I have been referring to the website below for tips when you feel like you have plateaued at a climbing grade. I plan to work on one of my biggest weaknesses in mastering the next level of climbs, which is the fear of falling. I have had a few gnarly falls now, when my hand or foot slips and it has scared me from making some of the big moves needed to get this next level of climbs. The falls rarely hurt, so I need to work through this fear by just doing it. It is a big mental game though, even though physically I know I can conquer it. I look forward to seeing where I am at next week!