This week we started class with a Zoom conversation with Jesse Miller. I found the way he spoke about internet safety and social media super interesting. He was extremely engaging and I agreed with his point of view on all topics. I liked how he highlighted that we look back on our childhoods when there was minimal technology and want it to become that way again but it isn’t reality. I like how he mentioned that technology will always exist now, and instead of trying to hide it from your kids, you should teach them the balance and how to use it safely. I agree fully with that. I also idolize the time in my childhood with no technology, but I see parents today who have found a great balance with technology. It bothers me when parents speak to how all their kids want to do is be on their tablet, but then I see them at the park, and instead of engaging with their kids they are sitting on their phone scrolling Instagram. How will the kid know what is best for them if it isn’t demonstrated by the parent. “Practice what you preach” sorta thing. I really appreciated hearing from Jesse, and it made me analyze how I use technology and what I can change. Less time on my phone and more time reading books… which is what I like to do anyway 🙂 If you would like to hear Jesse Miller speak on Internet Safety and Social Media I would recommend watching his video below.

Jesse Miller speaks about Social Media

After our conversation with Jesse Miller, we were prompted to google ourselves. I was surprised with how many photos there are of me on google images. Some were from News articles from sports teams when I was younger, but some were unexpected. During Covid, I made some TikTok videos with my cousins. Although, I knew I posted them publicly I was surprised to see them in images. I changed my TikTok account to private and hid my videos immediately. I deleted the TikTok app months ago, which is why it is so important to clear the data because although I don’t use it anymore, my content was still visible. I was also surprised to see photos I had posted on Twitter when I was younger. I don’t even know my Twitter account password anymore so that is next on my to-do list. Googling myself forced me to think critically about how I display myself on the internet, and to ensure what I post, I am okay with other people potentially seeing it.