getting to the top is essential, getting down is optional

month February 2023

Intentionality with Educational Technology

This week in class we talked about two different frameworks that will help us analyze educational technologies as teachers. The first tool for analyzing technologies that we discussed was SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition). I believe this is a… Continue Reading →

Something different this week… training the next generation of climbers!

This week when I went climbing I brought my little cousins with me! At the Boulderhouse Langford there is a “treehouse” upstairs, which is a smaller version of the climbing gym downstairs. I had always wanted to try climbing in… Continue Reading →

The elusive toe hook!

The goal for this week was to work on some new techniques. Last time at the gym I was able to accomplish the use of the toe hook. I was working on a climb in the cave, and I was… Continue Reading →

Accessibility in the Classroom

Within the classroom our diverse range of learners need assistive technology in order to have learning and success in the school system. I have seen very minimal use of these tools during my experience in local schools. I believe the… Continue Reading →

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